Custom Waypoints
Custom Waypoints are a new feature available with the WisprGroundControl and WisprFlightFirmware 1.7.1 update. When using a blank mission, which consists of the user placing each waypoint in a specified location, the user can configure each waypoint to send specific commands upon arrival. These commands include:
Photo commands
Take Photo
Video Recording commands
Start Recording
Stop Recording
Gimbal Pitch commands
Any angle between 0 (directly ahead) and 90 (directly below).
Hold commands
Drone will pause for the specified time, and then execute other commands if multiple are present.
This feature is currently compatible with:
Sony A7R
Sony ILX-LR1
WISPR 24MP Mapper
Gremsy Vio
Requires Vio SOM Firmware
Requires Gimbal Firmware 7.8.3
Gremsy Zio
Gimbal Commands Not Supported
Feature Usage
Using the Custom Waypoints feature is a simple venture, and everything you’ll need should be present with the following:
Update the drone and controller to the WisprGroundControl 1.7.0 package.
Select a supported payload, reboot if the payload was not already chosen at the time of boot.
In the Mission Planning screen, tap the Takeoff item and place where desired.
Select “Waypoint” and place waypoints as you see fit for the drone’s travel path, keeping in mind the intended commands.
After placing your last waypoint, select the “Return” item to add an RTL command.
Note: you must have the final waypoint in the mission selected in order to place this item. If you edit waypoints beforehand and forget to add it, you’ll need to tap the last waypoint before you can add the return.
As seen in the above images, there are some additional options present for each waypoint. You can configure any field desired and the commands will process in order of Hold → Gimbal Pitch → Photo/Video command.
Once a gimbal angle is set, you will not need to add a gimbal angle to subsequent waypoints unless you wish to change the pitch currently being flown. Gimbal commands can be sent alone while a video is recording from a previous command.
Once everything is how you want it, press the upload button in the top right and you’re ready to go.
Note- after WisprGroundControl has been rebooted, the mission items will display differently. Instead of a list of waypoint items, you’ll see “Waypoint” followed by commands that were added based on the chosen options when originally uploading.
The “Waypoint” items will appear blank, but it’s advised that if you wish to make changes after restarting WGC to create a new mission.
Additional Payload Information
When the Vio is on the latest firmware versions:
Now can be freely controlled in missions when not using gimbal commands. This allows the user to adjust the gimbal in any direction, zoom, and swap pallets while in auto. This will allow the user to set a predetermined flight path and focus on directing camera control.
The Vio now geotags images and generates a GPSLog as a .csv file.
The Vio can capture still images while actively recording video. Simply toggle the capture mode switch to photo mode after a recording has begun, and each press of the capture button will take an image. Switch to video and press capture to end.
A Gimbal Center button has been added to return the Vio to its start point for user convenience.
Preset Mission types such as Survey and Corridor Scan do not currently support Custom Waypoints.
For Entire payloads, using record commands too much or too close together can desync the recording state.
Allow at least two neutral waypoints between a stop and new start command
Avoid sending too many start/stop sequences per plan
For Entire Payloads, the first gimbal pitch command will not illicit a response, but subsequent ones will.
It’s encouraged to place a dummy waypoint that sends a gimbal pitch command before the beginning of the area you wish to cover. This can be done close to takeoff, as long as the payload e
For the Vio, there is a small twitch behavior observed when reaching waypoints/making turns in missions. We’re working to eliminate this in a future update.
Zio does not support gimbal commands, but does work with capture and hold commands.