Using Here+ RTK With WISPR Ground Control


Using Here+ RTK With Wispr Ground Control


Connecting the Here+ RTK Base Station to your computer

  1. The Here+ base should be connected to the GPS through the SMA connector. To connect simply screw the SMA female connector end of the GPS onto the male connector of the Here+.


2. Connect the USB cord into the 5 pin port on the Base and connect the other end (USB end) into the USB of the computer/tablet you intend to use the RTK system.


3. Connect the GPS on top of a tripod or something similar that is lifted in the air and is stable. Be sure there are no obstructions between the GPS and the sky. This will ensure you pick up the most satellites and also deter any blocking of signal.



How to Connect the Here+ to WISPR Ground Control

  1. Once you have your hardware set up, connected and your GPS is up on a lifted and clear position, go to RangerPro under your WiFi and connect to that AP.

2. Once connected open WISPR Ground Control on your tablet/laptop. Select the application settings (Drone Logo in Top Menu) and click General.


3. Scroll down until you see the Video option


4. Select RTSP URL and erase the contents of that bar and replace with rtsp://


5. Once the URL is set, navigate to the RTK GPS (this is scroll down inside of General to find this). Select Use Specified Base Station and put your GPS Latitude and Longitude into the boxes.

GPS Location can be viewed in AppleMaps or GoogleMaps by pressing on your current location. The RTK will automatically update to a precise location in seconds. Using this value speeds up the process.


6. Open WISPRGroundControl on your smart controller. Under your satellite icon in the Fly View toolbar, press that and a dropdown will expand showing your GPS status. Once that has changed from 3D Lock to showing Fixed you now are connected and using RTK.