UGCS EchoSounder Bathymetry

What software and other setup is necessary to fly with the UGCS Echo Sounder?

vsm-ardupilot.conf file with correct line edits
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  • Before opening the UGCS software, verify your controller’s hotspot tethering is enabled, you are connected to it on the PC that that will be running UGCS, the drone is powered on, and all cables are plugged in properly.

    • If you do not know how to enable and connect to the hotspot, you can find instructions on how to do so by following this link and scrolling down briefly:

What should my line spacing be when planning a Bathymetry Mission?

For planning bathymetry surveys line spacing needs to be 4x the estimated depth of the pond or lake you are surveying.

Which speed should I fly with the UGSC Echo Sounder?

Maximum speed should be 0.8. - 0.9 m/s. To collect high-quality data 0.7 - 0.8 m/s

Mission and manual flight speeds should be set to 0.8 m/s automatically when selecting the EchoSounder payload. Remember that when the EchoSounder is no longer selected, the flight speeds will remain the same, so it will be necessary to adjust them before takeoff when using a different payload.

How do I maximize data precision with the UGCS Echo Sounder?

Echo Sounder should be fully submerged. You have too many spikes and gaps in the data. But I should tell you that the depth match on check lines is just perfect. That means that your approach with slightly submerged echosounder in case of calm water may allow to increase the speed of survey. Maybe you may experiment with just a slightly deeper echo sounder.

Should I use a single or double grid mission type?

It's almost useless to make a double-grid with an echo sounder unless you are trying to find some object on the bottom

Non-RTK Post-processing.

Data should be processed for the depth, not for elevation.

How do I import NMEA0183 into Hydromagic?

When you import NMEA0183 into Hydromagic, select SDXDR sentence to import both hi and low frequency data


What rangefinder is used for the EchoSounder?

The Ainsten US-D1 radar altimeter has been introduced as the new rangefinder for the EchoSounder replacing the pre existing rangefinder. This rangefinder should be smooth and have no sudden movement.

  • When the EchoSounder is selected as the payload, the rangefinder will only be used in Auto mode.