Please read this manual for a walkthrough of connecting your Here+ RTK to your Drone through Wispr Ground Control - Using Here+ RTK With Wispr WISPR Ground Control
How much power is supplied from the front XT60 power output port?
No! If a fan stops working, please submit a ticket here: https://wisprsystems.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/group/11/create/38 to get the fan replaced. The drone needs all 4 fans to help cool the inside of the drone to prevent overheating. DO NOT fly if you are aware a fan is not working. This could lead to overheating and the drone malfunctioning.
What should be done if “Lost Operator ID” error is thorwn when updated?
If you are on the newest update (or any update past 1.0.0) and get this message, you should go into settings of the Herelink Controller and check to ensure the Location is enabled. If not, switch this on. This will fix the error and will also fix the GPS not getting a fix.