Processing Steps for PCMasterPro

Processing Steps for PCMasterPro


PCMaster Pro Processing Steps

  1. Processing SkyScout Resepi Lidar  

  1. Open PC Master Pro 

  1. Click File 

  1. Click Open Project 

  1. Locate the PPK dot PCMP file located in the Resepi folder from the Lidar mission 

  1. Open the PPK dot PCMP file 

  1. Antenna offsets are already pre-set for the drone before shipment.  

  1. Click Ok 

  1. Open Observation dot O file from the Rinex was created from either the RTK base or the CORS network.

10.Verify the latitude, longitude, and ellipsoid height. If a surveyor sets the point, add the antenna point height to the monument’s ellipsoid height.  

11.When done 

12.Click Settings 

13.Click coordinates 

14.Select the output coordinate system of your preference for data exports 

15.Click Reproject 

16.Click Export LAS files 

17.Select if the exported LAS file is colorized or not.

18.Select if the file is outputted as LAS or LAZ  

19.Click export 

20.After the export is complete, LAS files will be stored in the cloud folder inside the Resepi folder 

21.Geotagged images will be stored in the camera folder within the recipe folder.  

22.Processing is complete.


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